Top 5 science and skepticism videos on August 16, 2019 anti-gmo anti-vaccine apocalypse Armageddon celebrities conspiracy theories creationism Darwin doomsday end of the world flat Earth GOOP Oprah Shane Dawson +
Logical Fallacy Videos on August 16, 2019 cognitive biases critical thinking logical fallacies philosophy skepticism +
Ten myths about evolution. on March 18, 2019 biology creationism Darwin denialism pseudoscience religion +
Bill Nye, you don't get AI on March 10, 2019 Andrew Yang apocalypse Armageddon artificial intelligence automation Bill Nye Eliezer Yudkowsky existential risks Less Wrong Machine Intelligence Research Institute MIRI Nick Bostrom +
John Oliver on pseudoscience and conspiracy theories. on February 26, 2019 alternative medicine comedy conspiracy theories global warming denial New Age pseudoscience videos +
49 (and counting) failed doomsday predictions on January 31, 2019 apocalypse Armageddon doomsday end of the world prophecy +